Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Geoff's first post on the blog

I have been a slacker so far with the blog. Thanks Amy and Danielle for doing all the work.
Well we made it through Kansas with no Tornado's. I kind of wanted to see one and maybe meet the Wicked Witch of the West. Kansas was a great state to ride through without many hills and the nicest people I have met anywhere. Now we are starting our journey through Missouri "the show me state". Show me what? is the question that I have been wondering for the last 30 miles. We are currently in Golden City, MO where we had lunch and some awesome pie at Cooky's Cafe. So far Missouri has been great with the wind at our backs and nice roads. Hopefully I can keep from throwing up my giant lunch and enjoy the rest of the day. Tomorrow we enter the area of the Ozarks and rumor has it that we will be climbing lots of steep hills.

1 comment:

Amy, Gift, Geoff & Danielle said...

Hi guys!! Congrats on making it through another state! Thanks for posting...glad to be able to follow y'all! Hope we talk soon!

xoxoxo Amy